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Compressor Technology: Everything You Need to Know

What exactly is a compressor? If you’re a homeowner and not well-acquainted with the HVAC industry, it can be a hard question to answer. Just a few minutes of searching online can clue you in that there’s way more to this subject than you might be ready for. If only there were a knowledgeable voice that could teach you about compressors and give you the information that’s important to your home.

That’s where we come in! We’re the experts on air conditioning repair in Plymouth, IN. Instead of waiting until you’re dealing with a compressor problem, why not get a jump on discussing what exactly this component is and how it affects you?

We’ll be there every step of the way to determine whether you’re suffering from a compressor problem that needs fixing. Just call us today!

How It Works

The compressor is central to your AC’s cooling process. It pressurizes the refrigerant in your air conditioner and pushes it from the evaporator coil to the condenser coil. As the refrigerant evaporates, it draws in heat from the indoors of your home. Then, it travels to the condenser coil where it condenses and disperses the heat outdoors where you won’t feel it. This is precisely how the cooling process works and why your air conditioner is as powerful as it is.

What does all this mumbo-jumbo mean for homeowners? Basically, your compressor is the heart of the cooling process. It’s responsible for pressurizing and pumping the refrigerant through the system, pulling heat away from your home, and sending it outdoors. Without a functioning compressor, your air conditioner is just an oversized fan.

Running Into Problems

So, why is it so stressful when homeowners run into problems with their compressor? Well, repairing or replacing an air conditioner’s compressor can be one of the most expensive repairs to pay for. It’s like the open-heart surgery of HVAC repair, where it’s complicated and requires very precise performance. Often, homeowners are better off purchasing an entire replacement air conditioning system than just paying for a compressor repair. This is definitely something to think about when approaching a compressor problem.

“What Should I Do?”

If you’ve run into compressor problems and you’re asking yourself this question, then listen up. There are a few factors to consider when looking into compressor repairs.

  • Price. If a compressor repair is going to cost a lot of money (like almost half the cost of a new AC replacement), then you might be better off investing in a replacement system. Replacements can last a long time and provide peace of mind.
  • Age. An air conditioner that’s 10–15 years old just isn’t worth repairing in the first place. It’s only a matter of time before more components break down and cause you stress. Have your whole system replaced today.
  • Season. If it’s late in the season, you have plenty of time to think about investing in a new air conditioner. However, if it’s the beginning of the summer, then having a compressor repaired might be enough to keep you comfortable.

Make sure you contact the professionals when you need an expert opinion on compressor repairs.

The pros at Collier’s Heating & Air Conditioning have your back. Call Colliers—A company you’ve grown to trust.

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