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Solar Attic Fans in Warsaw, IN

Give us a call today: 574-269-3393

The attic isn’t a spot in a house that you often visit. If you ever go up into the attic on a hot summer day, you’ll find out the reason: this is one of the least comfortable locations in a house, with temperatures rising far above those outside. But you can’t ignore conditions in your attic, since they can affect the rest of your home. To help control the high temperatures in the attic, you can have special fans installed to vent out heat and moisture. Even better, you have can solar powered attic fans that use the sun’s energy to run.

Collier's Solar is a leading provider throughout Warsaw, IN area of solar energy solutions for homes. We install and provide other services for solar attic fans. If you want to find out more or you wish to schedule work, just give our solar professionals a call.

Solar Panels

How Solar Attic Fans Benefit You

Solar powered attic fans

Let’s leave aside the solar part for a moment and instead look at how an attic fan can enormously benefit a house.

The purpose of an attic fan is to vent out the heated air inside the space. During the summer, the sun beating down on the roof radiates heat into the attic, making it the hottest location in the home. The temperature can often rise to 130°F during a warm, sunny day. This heat will seep down into the living spaces of the house, often raising the temperature by 10°, and that can mean the difference in whether you have the air conditioner on or off. Insulation in the attic helps, but attic fans can do so much more. And if they’re powered by solar energy and not costing you anything to run, that’s even better.

There is also a use for attic fans in the winter: they help to remove rising moisture from the attic. This moisture can be harmful for the roof, promoting rot and causing damage when the moisture freezes.

Professional Solar Attic Fan Installation

Solar Power Attic Fan Installed

If you’re interested in having solar attic fans put in your home, you must call experienced solar experts for the work. As far as solar installations go, this isn’t a difficult operation. But it still requires special skills in order to see that the panels are in the right position, they’re connected correctly to the fans, the ventilations system works the way it should, and the fans are secure and not in danger of coming loose because of vibrations. Never look to a contractor who lacks the appropriate experience working with solar power and ventilation systems: you’ll end up paying a lot more because of an inefficient attic fan that breaks down frequently.

We Offer Repairs and Other Services for Solar Attic Fans

When it comes to any service that you might require for solar attic fans, you can rely on our dedication to staying current with solar technology. Along with fast and effective installations, we also replace solar attic fans and PV panels and take care of routine maintenance and any necessary repairs.

Collier's Heating & Air Conditioning always looks to provide complete customer satisfaction on any job that we perform. When you combine that commitment to customer happiness with our history offering renewable energy solutions, you get the best company around for handling solar attic fans and other solar services.

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