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Here’s Exactly What Our AC Tune-Ups Can Do

We know what you’re thinking. Why on earth would I sign up for an AC tune-up? What the heck is that going to do? My air conditioner works just fine!

Hold your horses! How do you know your air conditioner is working fine? And while we’re at it, air conditioner maintenance does a whole lot of things that many homeowners don’t know. So before you quickly decide to skip out on maintenance for this year or the next, consider reading down below. We’ll cover some of the best reasons to sign up for air conditioning maintenance, and why our tune-ups can blow your mind.

An air conditioning tune-up in Wabash, IN isn’t just as simple as a pro taking a quick glance at your system. It’s a thorough inspection of your AC’s condition, which can be valuable information as a homeowner!

What Takes Place During a Tune-Up

When we tune your AC up, what does that mean? What is a tune-up? Well for starters, when you don’t know the condition of your air conditioning system, a tune-up can help. It’s when a trained professional comes to your home and goes through a comprehensive checklist to inspect each and every part of the system. They can open it up and even inspect the interior components to notice if there’s anything going on under the hood. Once they’ve performed this checklist, they can start making improvements.


Yep! AC maintenance isn’t just about having a professional inspect your system. They can do much more than that!

Sometimes a technician will see a loose screw that needs to be tightened. Or perhaps they’ll see some minor inefficiency that’s plaguing your air conditioner and causing your energy bills to be too high. AC maintenance appointments allow these technicians to make adjustments, fixes, and test things out that can dramatically improve the quality of your air conditioning.

Is This Really Necessary?

That depends on your definition of necessary. While no, your air conditioner isn’t going to suddenly break down tomorrow if you don’t schedule maintenance as soon as possible. But we rarely have to make decisions that are urgent like that.

Air conditioner maintenance is necessary if you don’t want to pay skyrocketing energy bills, deal with sudden breakdowns on hot days, and pay for frequent repairs that you’ll never see coming. It’s estimated that every year you skip maintenance on your air conditioner, you’re ultimately giving up 5% of your system’s efficiency for absolutely no reason. This sounds like a terrible decision to us.

The Verdict

Ultimately, it’s up to you. Whether you decide to schedule an air conditioner tune-up or not is entirely your choice. What we hope you gained from this post, is that air conditioner maintenance is a vital service that can be worth its weight in gold. It’s fast, easy to schedule, and provides huge measurable benefits that no homeowner in their right mind would turn down. All we ask is that you try it, and see for yourself just how helpful a tune-up can be.

We want what’s best for your air conditioner. Call us to schedule an appointment today. Colliers—A company you’ve grown to trust.

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