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Tips for Saving on Your Air Conditioning Bills This Year


Our summers are warm and sometimes extremely hot. But if you have a good central air conditioner in your house, you shouldn’t have trouble enjoying comfort through the hottest of days. This does mean a rise in your utility bills, since the compressor in the AC draws on a lot of electrical power. You may, however, be paying more than you should over the summer. We have some tips below to rein in those air conditioning bills.

Some of these tips for less costly air conditioning in Warsaw, IN, are tasks we can help you with. We’re glad to help you enjoy the best possible cooling—both in performance and money saving energy efficiency.

Schedule air conditioning maintenance

This is the critical step for keeping your cooling costs under control for the coming months. Professional maintenance has many other benefits, such as giving the system a longer lifespan and reducing the number of repairs. But when it comes to energy efficiency, maintenance does the job of cleaning and adjusting the AC to prevent it from losing that efficiency. In general, an AC will lose 5% of its efficiency each year it misses maintenance. Make sure you don’t miss maintenance this spring.

Make smart thermostat adjustments—or get a smart thermostat

The best way to set the thermostat for maximum energy conservation while staying comfortable is to keep it steady at one temperature during the day when you’re home, and another during the evening. We recommend a daytime setting of 78°F, and about 8 to 10°F warmer at night. The closer the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the slower your home gains heat. This is why you don’t want to drop the thermostat down to the lowest possible setting. And if you still have an old manual or no-frills thermostat, you may wish to make an upgrade to a “smart” thermostat that helps maximize savings with automation.

Change the air filter regularly

The HVAC air filter catches the debris that might otherwise get inside the air conditioner from the return ducts. In as short a time as a month, the air filter can become heavily clogged. This forces the blower fan to work harder and raise energy bills. Change the filter every 1 to 3 months (we recommend checking on the filter every month to see what the build-up is).

Upgrade the air conditioning system

This is the most drastic step to take—but it will be necessary at some point, and it might be this year. No air conditioner lasts forever, and most will need to be replaced after 15 years of service. If you have noticed rising electrical bills over the recent summers, the problem is probably a declining AC. Repairs may keep it going for a few years, but eventually it won’t be worth it. At that point, putting in a higher efficiency air conditioner is an excellent long-term investment for your savings. If you feel unsure about whether an AC upgrade is a good option, simply talk to our experts and they’ll help.

Collier’s Heating & Air Conditioning Serves Northern Indiana: For Over 30 Years, A Company You’ve Grown to Trust.

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