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When Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

Well, the short answer to that question is never. It’s never too late to call our team and schedule maintenance, no matter how long it’s been since your last appointment. However, we’ll also talk about why homeowners get maintenance in the spring, and why it can be a little hard to schedule it during the summer. But first things first—if you need maintenance for your air conditioner, or you want it to remain in good shape, then don’t hesitate to call us.

Maintenance is preventive, which means it’s a service that’s designed to keep your air conditioner running in good shape for as long as possible. It gives our professional technicians a chance to make adjustments, small repairs, and perform an efficiency test to evaluate just how efficient it’s running. If there are any problems, a professional HVAC contractor in Syracuse, IN can communicate them to you and schedule a repair if one is needed.

The Point of “Late” Maintenance

While we’d hesitate to even consider any maintenance to be “late,” we’d like to discuss the point of calling us for maintenance at all. If you’re on the fence about it, then here are just a few reasons why you might want to just do yourself a favor and schedule it.

  • Maintenance is preventive. Preventive means that something doesn’t necessarily have to be wrong with your air conditioner to call for service. Maintenance is designed to keep it running well so that you don’t need to call for repairs as often.
  • It keeps efficiency levels high. Every year you skip maintenance, it’s estimated that on average your AC loses 5% of its energy efficiency. This compounds over time and equals wasted energy that you’re paying for! Signing up for maintenance, even if it’s late in the season, is a great way to avoid that cost.
  • It’s perfect for detecting future repairs. If you’re considering maintenance, then the good news is that there’s no apparent problem affecting your system right now. There could be in a few weeks, and maintenance is designed to prevent future repairs from budding and keeping things in good shape.

Skipping Maintenance vs. Late Maintenance

In order to convey just how important maintenance is, we’d like to talk about skipped maintenance vs. late maintenance. If you skip maintenance, you could see the efficiency, performance, and quality of your air conditioner deteriorate faster than it would with maintenance. This is the worst-case scenario and you avoid it at all costs.

Late maintenance is inconvenient because our schedules get busy during the summer with AC repairs—but that doesn’t mean we can’t give you the tune-up you need! Late maintenance does the same thing that early maintenance does; you’ll just have to work with our busy technicians to schedule an appointment that works for you.

An Interim Service

Maintenance is an interim service: it’s not meant to be scheduled when you detect a problem. That’s when you call us for repairs. So, if there’s nothing pressing and your air conditioner doesn’t have any glaring issues, what’s the harm in scheduling a maintenance visit? We promise you won’t be disappointed!

Call Collier’s Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule AC maintenance today. Collier’s—A company you’ve grown to trust.

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