Last year we wrote a tutorial post about how to change the air filter in your HVAC system. As a brief reminder of why this is important, a clogged air filter can cause the following problems for your air conditioning and heating system:
- A significant plunge in energy efficiency because the blower motor must strain harder against the obstructions in the filter.
- Potential damage to the interior of the HVAC system because of dust and dirt infiltration.
- A general decline in comfort around the house because there will no longer be sufficient airflow.
A question we often hear from customers is, “How often does the filter need to be changed?” We’re glad people ask this, because there’s a misleading belief—one we’ve seen too often wandering around the Internet—that the air filter only needs to be changed once a year. Nothing could be further from the truth! In some cases, an HVAC filter needs to be changed as often as once a month.