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Early Warning Signs to Call for Heating Repair

furnace-repair-technicianThe October cool is in the air, and you’ve probably already had your home’s heating system on a few times during the evening. It will start working more and more in the following weeks, so before you read any further, schedule regular heating maintenance with our team through our HomeSavers Club. You’ll receive the best tune-up and inspection for your heating system with our maintenance service.

But no one can work a miracle and make a heater 100% malfunction free! During this time of year, before you rely on your heater every single day, pay close attention to signs you may need heating repair in Syracuse, IN.


This is a problem common to most types of heaters, such as furnaces and heat pumps. It means the heater is turning itself off too early, before it finishes a full heating cycle. This is a symptom, not a description of an actual malfunction: there are many different malfunctions that cause short-cycling, and all of them need repairs. The stress of short-cycling itself will wear down the system and lead to other malfunctions.

Cold spots in rooms

The next time you have your heater running, tour all the rooms in the house to see if warmth is being evenly distributed. Are some rooms colder than they should be? (Make sure windows are closed and any room vents are unblocked first.) This could mean a variety of issues, such as a failed baseboard heater, broken heating elements, air handler trouble, leaks in the vents… it depends on what type of heating system you use. But something is wrong that need investigating.

Your first month of heating bills is abnormally high

When you received your last utility bills, the first ones when your heater was running, did they seem much higher than average? This will be especially noticeable if you use a gas-powered furnace or boiler. Large power drains may indicate a heating system malfunctioning and drawing more power than necessary.

Odd noises

If the sounds from your heating system don’t sound normal, or it’s just running louder than usual, that’s an early sign something in it needs to be fixed.

Remember, when in doubt give us a call! It’s much better to play it safe with your heating system then to be trapped on a freezing winter night with a broken heater, scrambling to have repairs done. We do offer 24/7 emergency service, but we would rather help you avoid emergencies in the first place with preventive repair work scheduled at your convenience.

Collier’s Heating & Air Conditioning—A company you’ve grown to trust for over 30 years!

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