Do You Have a Boiler Leak?

February 3rd, 2020

Boiler leaks are unfortunately one of the worst experiences a homeowner can deal with. They can cause all sorts of damage to your home, can cause your heating bills to skyrocket, and can ultimately leave you without heat in the middle of the wintertime. Keep in mind that while we’ll talk about ways to notice if your boiler is leaking, or explore what might be going wrong with the system, we discourage any form of DIY repair work on a system like that.

Boiler repair in Wabash, IN is a complicated procedure depending on many factors, including where the leak might be and what caused it. Basically, this should always be done by a qualified professional, no matter how much experience you think you might have. Don’t risk having your heater break down for the season!

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Complete Furnace Rundown: What You Should Know

January 20th, 2020

You’d be surprised by how many homeowners there are that don’t really know how their furnaces work. While it might be convenient to think of your heater like a magic box that makes heat, it’s more complicated and more interesting than that. Gas furnaces are marvels of modern technology, being able to burn fuel using combustion to turn cold air into warm air, they’re hyper-efficient these days and tend to run very affordably as well.

That being said, when something goes wrong in your furnace or you’re worried about your home’s safety having a gas burner inside of it, it’s always a good idea to have a good idea about what a furnace does and how it works. So, when you need furnace repair in Wabash, IN, you’ll be able to help a professional pinpoint exactly where the issue is and know how relatively expensive that fix should be.

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The Importance of Replacing an Air Filter

January 6th, 2020

While you might have heard us mention replacing your furnace filter time and time again, we’re still addressing the fact that many homeowners don’t know their furnace even has a filter! This is incredibly important to us because we’re all about providing quality maintenance to make sure that your furnace lasts as long as possible. A happy, healthy, furnace means low heating bills and a comfortable home for many years to come.

Unfortunately, when a furnace’s air filter clogs, it can begin to stifle your heater—reducing the airflow into your system while adding stress on certain components. This means your system will start consuming more energy to complete the same heating task, and you’ll need heater repair in Columbia City sooner rather than later!

So, let’s go over the benefits of replacing your furnace filter. There are plenty of reasons not to ignore this vital piece of your heater.

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Notice These Heater Ailments

December 23rd, 2019

If you’re one of the many owners of a furnace or other type of heating system, you’re going to already be aware of a few signs that show problems are developing. While problems are important to address, and furnace repair in Plymouth, IN should be made in a timely manner, there isn’t anything worse than having your heating system stop completely during the coldest months of the year.

Today we’re going to run through a checklist of some incredibly important things to notice that will signify imminent or immediate heating system failure. These aren’t your run of the mill repairs, these can be incredibly expensive, cause a system breakdown, and can often be dangerous as well. Basically, these are the issues that you can’t ignore and that you should always call a trustworthy team of HVAC professionals about.

Well, let’s get started!

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Holiday Season HVAC Savings Guide

December 9th, 2019

The holiday season is right around the corner! That means family, fun, food, and stress over how much money we’ll all be spending on everything. If you’re bombarded by your kids with what they all want for the holidays, the efficiency of your heating system is probably the last thing you want to hear about. Unless you’re coming up on a catastrophic heating repair that needs to be taken care of, you should focus on your holiday needs.

However, if you’ve got an aging furnace that you’d like to last through the season, why not let us help you avoid heating repair in Plymouth, IN? There are some tips that we could fill you in on, that could help reduce the overall cost of repairs, increase efficiency, and give you peace of mind knowing that your heater is in great shape to last out the rest of the season.

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Is Geothermal the Right Fit for Your Home?

November 25th, 2019

We haven’t written about geothermal heating in a while, and we’re sure that there are more curious customers out there than ever. So, for anyone that’s looking for the most environmentally friendly, reliable, and efficient heating system available on the market today, it’s time to look into geothermal in Plymouth, IN.

The one problem we find with geothermal heating is that most homeowners we talk to about it don’t know how it works at all. After all, it’s a complicated system! Heat pumps are not the simplest devices to get a grasp of, so it can be hard to tell consumers about the benefits of a system like this. So, buckle up and let us take you on a journey through the benefits of a geothermal heat pump, to see if this is a heating system that could be right for you and your home.

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Pesky Pilot Light Problems

November 11th, 2019

If you’ve got a gas furnace at home, chances are pretty good that you know what your pilot light is. For everyone else, the pilot light is the flame that is used to light the gas burners that eventually heat your home. The pilot light provides a pretty simple yet integral part of the heating process.

So why are we talking about it? Well, problems with your pilot light can mean your heating system comes to a screeching halt, which is absolutely unacceptable during some cold winter days. We’d like to go over some of the more common pilot light problems and the possible solutions for said problems. Obviously, if you’ve got a gas furnace in Plymouth, IN and you’re experiencing any sort of problem, we highly recommend calling our team for specialized furnace care.

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Boiler Kettling: What It Means for You

October 28th, 2019

We all love those Saturday mornings when we wake up smelling the savory smell of bacon, or the frying of buttermilk pancakes, while the tea kettle begins to rumble with anticipation. Except what if that rumbling wasn’t actually coming from your kettle? That’s a great way to turn a wonderful morning into a moment of panic!

Kettling is not something to joke about. In fact, a boiler kettling can be a clear signal that there is a buildup of pressure in the heat exchanger. We’ll get into more of the specifics later, but we’d like to start with imploring you to hire a professional technician for boiler service in Wabash, IN if you’re noticing a whistling noise to come from your boiler. Many homeowners operate under the assumption that a boiler should be making a whistling noise, or that this kind of noise is just natural. That’s entirely not the case.

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3 Signs That Point to a Heater in Disrepair

October 14th, 2019

Our slogan—a company you’ve grown to trust—means that we’re here to tell you the truth no matter what that means for our business. Many contractors like to string homeowners along by telling them their heater is failing in order to sell a brand-new unit, but they don’t often like to talk about why. Today, we’re going to be honest with you and talk a little bit about some signs that signal a dire need for heater repair in Etna Green.

Most importantly, we’re going to talk about why these signs can be bad news. We don’t just want you to take our word for it. Take a good hard look at your heater with the information we give you, so you’ve got a clear idea of what’s wrong with it. This can make our job easier when you give us a call for some repairs or a replacement.

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Furnace FAQ: Maintaining Your Furnace

September 30th, 2019

Maintaining a furnace isn’t fun and games, but it requires a little bit of vigilance to avoid any catastrophic problems. Homeowners like to turn the light on in their basements, check on their furnace in Plymouth, IN and forget about it for another year—but we can tell you from experience, that’s not a good idea. Gas furnaces are intense pieces of machinery that require precision maintenance in order to function properly. Not only that, but an issue with a gas-powered heating system could be terrible, like the leaking of carbon monoxide or increased risk for fire.

That’s where we come in! We’d like to give you a few tips that can increase the lifespan of your heater and keep your home safe from any unwanted gas leaks. With this checklist and the help of a friendly HVAC professional, you can go back to forgetting about your furnace until next year.

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