Early Warning Signs to Call for Heating Repair

October 16th, 2017

furnace-repair-technicianThe October cool is in the air, and you’ve probably already had your home’s heating system on a few times during the evening. It will start working more and more in the following weeks, so before you read any further, schedule regular heating maintenance with our team through our HomeSavers Club. You’ll receive the best tune-up and inspection for your heating system with our maintenance service.

But no one can work a miracle and make a heater 100% malfunction free! During this time of year, before you rely on your heater every single day, pay close attention to signs you may need heating repair in Syracuse, IN.

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Here’s How Our HomeSavers Club Prevents Furnace Repairs

October 2nd, 2017

gas-furnace-openFall is a slower time of the year when it comes to HVAC work because the hot weather subsides, taking the pressure off air conditioners, but the true cold weather hasn’t set in yet, keeping furnaces and other heating systems inactive. But there’s an important HVAC job that needs to be done at this time of year, which is regular professional maintenance for a home’s heating system.

If your home is like many in Indiana, it uses a furnace for winter heat. Arranging to have it maintained through our HomeSavers club will help the system run at peak efficiency through the coming winter. But it will also prevent many repair issues.

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Our HomeSavers Club Is the Best Way to Plan for Winter Heating

September 18th, 2017

As we’re writing this, it’s only a few days until the first official day of fall. Of course, temperatures don’t immediately drop on the first day of fall, and there may still be warm days ahead. But fall is definitely the time to start planning the transition into the season when you’ll need your furnace, boiler, heat pump, or radiant heating system working on a regular basis. And that means that it’s once more time for a routine inspection and maintenance tune-up for your home’s heating system.

If you want to take care of maintenance for your heating in Syracuse, IN this September or October and you haven’t signed up for our HomeSavers Club, now is the time to sign up and get a jump on this important fall task.

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Watch Out for the Burned-Out AC Compressor

September 4th, 2017


In our last post, we addressed a problem homeowners often encounter with their cooling systems as the summer approaches its close: a system that can’t seem to keep up with the heat. Whenever you have an AC that’s not doing its job, it’s vital that you call on us for air conditioning services in Syracuse, IN or elsewhere in Northern Indiana where our technicians are ready to solve your problem.

Today, we’re addressing another end-of-summer air conditioning trouble—and it’s a serious one that can make the difference between an AC with a long, productive service life, and an AC that needs to be replaced years too early. It’s the looming specter of the burnt-out compressor. When the compressor in an air conditioner fails, it is usually more cost-effective to replace the entire AC rather than the compressor… so this is definitely a malfunction you want to avoid at all costs!

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Why Won’t My AC Keep Up at the End of Summer?

August 21st, 2017

The Dogs Days of Summer. If only they were THIS pleasant.

Oh boy, here we are in the “dog days” of summer. (Which has nothing to do with dogs lying around on porches panting. The phrase goes back to the ancient Greeks and the position of the constellation Sirius the Dog in the morning sky. The more you know, the more… okay, this isn’t terribly useful information, but we’d thought we’d share it.)

Anyway, the late summer heat… it can be pretty bad, even with a few days of rain and some cooling now and then. Your air conditioning system in Columbia City, IN still has some heavy work ahead of it before the true cooling of fall arrives. And if your AC doesn’t seem like it’s up to battling the heat, leaving hot spots around the home and letting humidity get out of control, it’s something we recommend you investigate now. Don’t let problems linger because cooler weather is on the horizon. Delaying repair work for an air conditioner means bigger costs in the future—not to mention a possible full system breakdown.

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Are Solar Panels Effective Where I Live?

August 7th, 2017

solar-panel-on-roof-of-homeSolar is a fast-growing energy field, with more residences every year drawing part of the power used to operate appliances around the home from solar panels. Solar energy is a clean, renewable energy source—and best of all, the energy of the sun is ­­free. If you have solar panels and solar-powered systems in your home, you only have to pay for their installation and maintenance needs, and perhaps a small amount of back-up electricity from the grid. The actual power coming from the sun costs nothing and depletes nothing.

“But, what about where I live?” you’re probably asking. “Do we get enough sun here around the year to make solar panels worth the effort to install?”

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How Many Years Will Typical AC Last before It Needs Replacement?

July 24th, 2017

air-conditioning-systemThis is a question often we hear from homeowners. They want their air conditioning systems to last as long as possible, but they also know that “possible” doesn’t include “forever.” At some point, the air conditioner will age past the point where it’s pragmatic to continue fixing it. It also develops a higher risk of permanently breaking down on a hot day—and nobody wants that to happen!

However, we can’t give you a definite answer about the age at which a central air conditioning system needs to be replaced. It differs depending on the system, how much use it has seen, and if it receives regular maintenance.

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How a Dehumidifier Helps in the Summer

July 10th, 2017

woman-in-front-of-fan-hand-on-headHigh humidity is a common comfort problem people experience during the summers here in Northern Indiana. High relative humidity levels make hot days feel even hotter, but there are other troubles that high humidity can cause when it occurs inside a home, from illness to building damage.

If you’re dealing with high humidity problems in your home, the best solution is to have a whole-house dehumidifier installed. You can purchase portable dehumidifiers, but not only are these limited in how effective they are (you don’t really want to drag the unit from room to room, do you?) they can also present fire hazards. It’s easy to enjoy a whole-house dehumidifier in Fort Wayne, IN: you only need to contact our experienced indoor air quality team and arrange to have one installed.

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What Do Solar Attic Fans Do?

June 26th, 2017

thermometer-going-redWhen people hear about attic fans, they often wonder what purpose they could serve. The attic isn’t a part of the house people spend much time in, so why would it be beneficial to have fans installed up there?

But attic fans are a great way to cool down a house during the summer and reduce high air conditioning costs. They can also help during the winter at protecting the roof of a house. And solar attic fans add an extra layer of energy conservation, providing a house with all the benefits and almost no operating costs.

You must have professionals handle solar attic fan installation. Our team of experts is glad to help you with this job. Talk to a staff member today to find out more and to schedule service. Along with solar attic fans, we also install solar panels.

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Choices for a New Air Conditioning Installation for the Summer

June 12th, 2017

outdoor-air-conditioning-unit-with-catWe’ve written previously about making the choice to retire an aging air conditioner and putting a new one in before summer arrives. But we didn’t address the next question you ask once you’ve answered, “Should I replace my AC?” And that question is, “What should I replace it with?”

HVAC technology never stands still. There are new models available today superior to your current AC even when it was new. And there are different varieties of air conditioners other than the standard split system central AC and the inefficient window unit. (We don’t recommend the latter, by the way.) We’ve put together a list of some of your air conditioner options, all of which our technicians install. To find out more about these choices for a new air conditioning installation in Columbia City, IN, and throughout Northeastern Indiana, talk to our staff today.

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