Collier's Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plymouth’

Should Homeowners Be Afraid to Own a Furnace?

Monday, September 13th, 2021

To some homeowners, this might be a silly question. To others, it’s been burning on their minds but they’ve been afraid to ask it. Gas furnaces are common in this area of the country, but just the thought of a heater burning gas to keep your home warm frightens some people. They get visions of old boilers and furnaces that bump and bang in the middle of the night, leaking gas and smoke as they churn. This is a caricature of what furnaces are these days, and we’d like to talk about that.

While furnace maintenance and furnace repair in Plymouth, IN are absolutely necessary to keep it running safely, furnaces are inherently safe. They’re constructed with safety protocols that keep them from leaking gas, fumes, or smoke. If you’re new to the world of gas furnaces, or you’re a veteran who would like to learn a bit more, let’s go over why these systems are so safe.

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5 Common AC Misconceptions

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Are we done with all the hot days of the year? Well, maybe. But that doesn’t mean you can treat your air conditioner like it’s useless. Too many homeowners treat their air conditioners like a motorcycle in the garage when the winter weather hits—they just forget about them. This is not the recommended attitude and we’re going to spend today talking about why that is.

What do you know about your air conditioner? Some misconceptions will probably lead you to expensive AC repair in Plymouth, IN, while knowing the facts will perhaps give you the efficacy and efficiency you’re used to. If you’re looking to deal with fewer repairs and have your air conditioner for a longer time, then perhaps you could use our tips.

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Compressor Technology: Everything You Need to Know

Monday, September 14th, 2020

What exactly is a compressor? If you’re a homeowner and not well-acquainted with the HVAC industry, it can be a hard question to answer. Just a few minutes of searching online can clue you in that there’s way more to this subject than you might be ready for. If only there were a knowledgeable voice that could teach you about compressors and give you the information that’s important to your home.

That’s where we come in! We’re the experts on air conditioning repair in Plymouth, IN. Instead of waiting until you’re dealing with a compressor problem, why not get a jump on discussing what exactly this component is and how it affects you?

We’ll be there every step of the way to determine whether you’re suffering from a compressor problem that needs fixing. Just call us today!

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Is Your Air Conditioner Not Working Like It Used to?

Monday, May 25th, 2020

Air conditioners last for a long time, but they don’t last forever. The important part about owning an AC is making sure that it cools your house properly in the time that you have it, and getting it properly replaced when it fails to perform that duty. If you’re a homeowner that’s been struggling with an aging air conditioner, be sure to check out what type of AC replacement services interest you in our area.

In the meantime, if you’re a homeowner with an air conditioner that’s still got plenty of years left in it, it’s vital to make sure that it’s operating as efficiently as possible. Below, we’ve included a list of efficiency tips and tricks that could help your air conditioner work like it did when you first got it. If you’re still having problems with efficiency, even after following our guide, be sure to call us for air conditioning repair in Plymouth, IN.

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Is Your Furnace Making These Noises?

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

Furnace repair isn’t a word that homeowners want to hear, especially not when cold temperatures are still hovering at freezing. Though, what many homeowners don’t like to think about is the fact that furnace repair in Plymouth, IN is the end of a long chain of issues that could already be plaguing your home. You might be dealing with the effects of a furnace problem and a repair could make your life much better!

Take noises, for instance. While a homeowner might be dreading their furnace making noises, the outcome of said noises might be worse than the repair cost.

That’s why today we’re going to go over some common furnace noises, what they could represent, and why furnace repair could make your life a whole lot easier when scheduled appropriately. Remember, the longer you wait to address one of these issues, the worse the problem could be!

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Holiday Season HVAC Savings Guide

Monday, December 9th, 2019

The holiday season is right around the corner! That means family, fun, food, and stress over how much money we’ll all be spending on everything. If you’re bombarded by your kids with what they all want for the holidays, the efficiency of your heating system is probably the last thing you want to hear about. Unless you’re coming up on a catastrophic heating repair that needs to be taken care of, you should focus on your holiday needs.

However, if you’ve got an aging furnace that you’d like to last through the season, why not let us help you avoid heating repair in Plymouth, IN? There are some tips that we could fill you in on, that could help reduce the overall cost of repairs, increase efficiency, and give you peace of mind knowing that your heater is in great shape to last out the rest of the season.

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Is Geothermal the Right Fit for Your Home?

Monday, November 25th, 2019

We haven’t written about geothermal heating in a while, and we’re sure that there are more curious customers out there than ever. So, for anyone that’s looking for the most environmentally friendly, reliable, and efficient heating system available on the market today, it’s time to look into geothermal in Plymouth, IN.

The one problem we find with geothermal heating is that most homeowners we talk to about it don’t know how it works at all. After all, it’s a complicated system! Heat pumps are not the simplest devices to get a grasp of, so it can be hard to tell consumers about the benefits of a system like this. So, buckle up and let us take you on a journey through the benefits of a geothermal heat pump, to see if this is a heating system that could be right for you and your home.

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Pesky Pilot Light Problems

Monday, November 11th, 2019

If you’ve got a gas furnace at home, chances are pretty good that you know what your pilot light is. For everyone else, the pilot light is the flame that is used to light the gas burners that eventually heat your home. The pilot light provides a pretty simple yet integral part of the heating process.

So why are we talking about it? Well, problems with your pilot light can mean your heating system comes to a screeching halt, which is absolutely unacceptable during some cold winter days. We’d like to go over some of the more common pilot light problems and the possible solutions for said problems. Obviously, if you’ve got a gas furnace in Plymouth, IN and you’re experiencing any sort of problem, we highly recommend calling our team for specialized furnace care.

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Furnace FAQ: Maintaining Your Furnace

Monday, September 30th, 2019

Maintaining a furnace isn’t fun and games, but it requires a little bit of vigilance to avoid any catastrophic problems. Homeowners like to turn the light on in their basements, check on their furnace in Plymouth, IN and forget about it for another year—but we can tell you from experience, that’s not a good idea. Gas furnaces are intense pieces of machinery that require precision maintenance in order to function properly. Not only that, but an issue with a gas-powered heating system could be terrible, like the leaking of carbon monoxide or increased risk for fire.

That’s where we come in! We’d like to give you a few tips that can increase the lifespan of your heater and keep your home safe from any unwanted gas leaks. With this checklist and the help of a friendly HVAC professional, you can go back to forgetting about your furnace until next year.

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Heating Season: Preparing for Winter

Monday, September 16th, 2019

Heating season is right around the corner, and we think it’s time for a check-in. As your local HVAC company, we’re always wondering how your HVAC system is doing as it gets ready to heat your home. We’re not talking about how it’s feeling, but whether or not any attention has been paid to it this year. Heating is vital where we live, so making sure that your heater is ready to go can sometimes make all the difference.

There are some simple things that homeowners can do to make sure their heater is in good shape for the months to come. If you’re not up to the task of checking your system yourself, you’re not alone! That’s what your local HVAC professional in Plymouth, IN is for! We can change filters and check your system for any bumps and bruises before it really gets cold out.

Though, if you’re feeling a little more adventurous, why not read on and see what you can do to help your heater!

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