Collier's Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plymouth’

Before You First Turn on the AC …

Monday, May 13th, 2019


The warm weather is on its way! Soon, you’ll be turning on your home’s central air conditioning system and keep it running for a few hours (at least) during the day.

But wait—before you adjust the thermostat to activate the air conditioner, there are a few steps to do and checks to make. We recommend you do them at least a few weeks before you anticipate when you’ll start using the AC. You may need to schedule air conditioning repair in Plymouth, IN before the season starts, and now is a good time to find out if you do!

Follow the steps below to help your air conditioner have the best possible start to the summer.

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New HVAC Installation Time? Consider Zone Control!

Monday, April 29th, 2019


Spring and early summer is the best time to arrange for big HVAC services in Plymouth, IN, such as installing a new air conditioner. Contractors’ have less packed schedules at this time and can easily arrange for a consultation and convenient appointment to have the installation done.

Since you have a bit more time to think about how you want to upgrade your HVAC system with a new installation, here’s something we recommend considering: zone control.

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Why Your Furnace Is Tripping the Circuit Breaker

Monday, March 18th, 2019


This time of year can be a troublesome one for home heating systems like furnaces. The major cold weather is almost over, but furnaces have run for so many months that they’re more likely to encounter trouble at this point. We can’t emphasize this enough: no matter when you notice trouble with your furnace, or how deep into spring you notice it, always schedule furnace repair in Plymouth, IN right away. Delaying on repairs or letting them wait until fall can mean a worse repair—or a furnace that breaks down right when you need it.

We’re going to look at a specific furnace problem you might run into this time of year, and it’s one you shouldn’t ignore—when the furnace causes a circuit breaker to trip when it comes. Please don’t keep resetting your breaker if this problem is happening! Something is overloading the circuit and it needs to be dealt with.

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5 Warnings Your Heater Is About to Break Down

Monday, November 26th, 2018


You’ve got your home heating system running, ready to settle into the routine that will last until spring. If you’ve taken good care of the heater and remembered to schedule regular maintenance for it through our HomeSavers Club, you have every reason to believe the system will get through the coming season without trouble.

But there is no such thing as a heater that’s 100% free from malfunctions. No matter the planning, no matter the care, the heater in your home might fail during the coming months. It may give no warning, but this is rare. As a heater veers for a breakdown, it usually gives off warning signs. If you catch these warnings, you can call an HVAC contractor in Plymouth, IN to come to rescue the system with repair or even a replacement in extreme cases.

Below are five of the common warning signs of a heater close to failing.

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Electric Furnaces vs. Gas Furnaces: Is There a Clear Choice?

Monday, October 29th, 2018


If you’ve landed on this post, you’re probably in the middle of planning for the coming winter with a new heating installation. You might be in a new house that doesn’t yet have a heating system to call its own, or your old heater has finally ended its days and needs to be replaced.

Whatever the situation, right now you’re facing a question about your home heating future. Whatever system you decide to have installed, it will be with you for ten years or more—so you want to make the right choice. We’re here to help with the most common choice dilemma: go with a gas furnace or an electric furnace.

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What Might Go Wrong When a Furnace Isn’t Maintained Annually

Monday, October 1st, 2018


Each fall, as the weather starts to cool, HVAC technicians roll up their sleeves, stock up their vans, and get to work doing tune-ups and inspections of home furnaces. It’s one of the most important parts of our job, and we make sure our customers know how vital annual maintenance is for their furnaces. We make it as easy as possible to have the job done with our HomeSavers Club, a maintenance program that provides both heating and air conditioning maintenance during the year.

You may feel tempted to skip maintenance for your gas furnace this fall, thinking that it’s not necessary every year. However, the consequences of missing annual maintenance can be high. Below is a list of what might go wrong if your furnace isn’t given its regular fall tune-up and inspection.

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Did Your Furnace Need Repairs When You Shut It Off Before Summer?

Monday, September 3rd, 2018


If you’re wondering why we’re asking the question in the title, it’s because at Collier’s we’re preparing for the change in seasons, and we want to make sure our customers are getting ready as well. A furnace that has lingering repair needs from the previous year can cause serious troubles when the first cold weather arrives and the heater has to fire up.

We strongly recommend you get ahead of any problems with your heating system by calling us for furnace repair in Plymouth, IN. The weather may still be warm outside but trust us: the best time to have a furnace fixed is when you don’t need it working.

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Your AC May Overheat: Here’s Why

Monday, August 20th, 2018


Air conditioners are designed to operate during hot days. That’s what they’re for, after all. But an air conditioning system can overheat the same way other mechanical devices like car engines do. When this happens, you may be stranded with a non-functioning AC on one of the hottest days of the year. The AC’s blower fan may stop working so no cool air circulates to the rooms, or the compressor may fail so you’ll still have air circulation, but the air will be room temperature.

Fixing overheated ACs is one of our major jobs during the summers. We have plenty of experience taking care of these failures and can explain in detail why they happen. You don’t need excessive amounts of detail, however, to understand why you need a Plymouth, IN, HVAC contractor to repair a busted air conditioner, so below we’ve only listed the major reasons for an air conditioner overheating:

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Prepping Your HVAC System for Spring

Monday, March 19th, 2018


The cold weather hasn’t fully loosened its grip on us yet—but this week is the first official week of spring, and that means it’s planning time. And not just for doing your taxes. This is when we recommend you start preparing your HVAC system for spring weather and the hot weather of summer coming right after it.

Here are a few steps to take so your HVAC system is ready to spring into spring:

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Considerations for a Big HVAC System Upgrade This Year

Monday, March 5th, 2018


Spring is almost here. At least “officially,” since there’s no guarantee a cold snap won’t strike Indiana during April. But spring is still a time when people begin making plans for the middle of the year and the change in weather as we emerge from under the thumb of winter. The term “spring cleaning” now simply means all the planning that goes into the season. Part of that planning may be upgrading the HVAC system in your house.

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