Collier's Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Warsaw’

What to Do If Your Heating System Fails

Monday, February 5th, 2018

man-keping-warmEMERGENCY! It’s a cold winter day or night in Indiana, and you have your furnace running. Or maybe a heat pump or boiler. Then suddenly—nothing. The heater stops working and a chill settles over your home. You might feel panic creeping up your spine, and who could blame you? This is one of those winter nightmares homeowners hope never happens to them.

There’s no reason to panic. There’s reason to be concerned, but if you take the right steps, you and your family should make it through all right and have the heating restored in no time.

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When Is It Time to Replace a Boiler System?

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

larger-boiler-systemWhen people are shopping for heating systems to install in a new house, one of the points of comparison they make between different models is their estimated service life. In this column, the boiler has a large advantage over the gas furnace, electric furnace, or heat pump. A boiler usually outlasts any of these other heaters.

But a boiler can’t run forever. Once you’ve gotten a good number of years of warmth from your home’s boiler and it’s more than repaid its initial investment, you should consider having it replaced. There are a number of ways to tell that you have a boiler that’s ready for a retirement; we recommend you call on HVAC professionals to help you with the choice if you’re uncertain if your boiler can go for a few more years or not.

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Fight Flu Season with Air Purifiers

Monday, November 27th, 2017

UV-air-purifier-lightWinter can be festive and beautiful. It can also be aggravating, uncomfortable, and filled with flus and colds. There are ways you can prepare to keep sickness away from your household during the coming flu season, such as arranging to have flu shots. But you may not have considered indoor air quality installations as one of the best weapons against the spread of germs and viruses in your house. The proper installation of air purifiers (as well as air filters) will improve health in your house and alleviate issues for asthma and allergy sufferers. Contact us for an air purifier in Syracuse, IN, and we’ll help you find the right IAQ options for your house.

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A Closer Look at Potential Boiler Problems

Monday, October 30th, 2017

boiler-residentialThe majority of homes in the U.S. have a furnace to provide warmth to their families during the winter. However, boiler systems remain common, and many homeowners prefer them because they offer even heating, long service lives, and increased energy efficiency.

If you have a boiler to help your home make it through the coming winter, make sure that you have it maintained during the fall so it will give you few, if any, troubles during cold weather. Our HomeSavers Club will see that you receive top quality service for your boiler each year. (And we’ll take care of your air conditioning in spring as well.)

No amount of maintenance will prevent all boiler issues, however. We’re going to look at what might go wrong with a boiler to help you better understand when you need to call on technicians for repairs.

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How Many Years Will Typical AC Last before It Needs Replacement?

Monday, July 24th, 2017

air-conditioning-systemThis is a question often we hear from homeowners. They want their air conditioning systems to last as long as possible, but they also know that “possible” doesn’t include “forever.” At some point, the air conditioner will age past the point where it’s pragmatic to continue fixing it. It also develops a higher risk of permanently breaking down on a hot day—and nobody wants that to happen!

However, we can’t give you a definite answer about the age at which a central air conditioning system needs to be replaced. It differs depending on the system, how much use it has seen, and if it receives regular maintenance.

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Let’s Keep Your AC Efficient This Coming Summer

Monday, May 15th, 2017

air-conditioner-money-saverAt Collier’s, our goal is more than just being there when you need us for an air conditioning repair. We want to help you avoid air conditioning repairs and we want you to save money each time you turn on your air conditioning in Warsaw, IN or the surrounding areas. We take air conditioning efficiency seriously, and in this post we’re going to offer advice on how you can keep your AC operating at energy-saving levels over the coming summer—without sacrificing comfort.

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March Planning for Your HVAC System

Monday, March 6th, 2017

heating-and-cool-homesMarch. It’s a weird month. The year can’t decide if it’s winter or spring. There are so many old proverbs about the weather in March that it’s easy to become confused about what exactly the weather is supposed to be. Is it “in like a lion, out like a lamb,” or the other way around?

The truth is that March Mayhem is the most accurate description. The swings in temperature through these 30 days can make life difficult if your home isn’t equipped with an excellent heating system and an air conditioner that’s prepared to handle abrupt heat. But we’re here to make it all easier! Call our offices in Warsaw, IN for heating and air conditioning service. No matter the trouble, no matter the preparation work you need done, you can trust to our excellent team of HVAC technicians to do the job right the first time.

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The Benefits of a UV Air Purifier for Your Home

Monday, January 9th, 2017

There are many ways to improve the air quality inside a home. Air filters are the most common, and in many situations all a house will need to remove the airborne contaminants floating through it is a professionally installed set of filters.

But filters have limitations. The more powerful filters that can stop small allergens, bacteria, viruses, and other microbes are usually a bad idea for a house. These filters have such thick weaves that they will cut off the airflow from a residential HVAC system—and that means no comfort and higher bills.

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Steps for Furnace Safety

Monday, November 28th, 2016

The modern gas furnace is designed to operate with minimal danger. However, there is no way that a gas furnace can be constructed that is 100% free from failures or malfunctions. If you use a gas furnace for your home comfort during the winter in Warsaw, IN, then we recommend that you take a few steps to help ensure that the furnace works at its most hazard-free. We’ve listed the most important below. You can always call us for more assistance.

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